AHP Indonesia COVID-19 Response: Pulih Bersama End-of-Program Learning Event

The AHP Indonesia COVID-19 response, worth $5 million, was delivered by two consortiums, World Vision Australia and Church Agencies Network Disaster Operations (CAN DO), covering 12 provinces and 56 districts in Indonesia.  Running from November 2021 to January 2023, the response was part of a wider package of pandemic support to Indonesia through the Pulih Bersama (Recover Together) program and aimed to support the sub-national health response to COVID-19 and build community resilience.

This report presents reflections from the End-of-Program Learning Event, in which consortium members discussed the extent that program implementation achieved intended outcomes and the key lessons learned and challenges faced throughout the response.  Both Wahana Visi (WVI) and CAN DO exceeded their targets, attributing this success to a focus on innovation, inclusion, locally-led humanitarian response and prioritising the role of faith-based organisations.  Collaborative partnerships with local partners and consortia mechanisms had both benefits and challenges, but both WVI and the CAN DO Consortium emphasised the importance of accelerating localisation through different partnership models and establishing stronger governance and organisational systems.

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